
Athletics Lighting Case Study

Rugby & Northampton Athletic Club

One of the most successful athletic clubs in the Midlands, Rugby & Northampton has a membership of more than 1,000 athletes ranging in age from eight to 80-plus. The club competes in Track & Field, Cross Country, and Road Running at local, regional, and national levels, and current members include European and world record holders.

Lights out for metal-halides

Uniformity is a critical issue when it comes to sports floodlighting. When light isn’t cast evenly across a playing space, it reduces overall visibility and can create problems such as glare. Worse still, it only takes a single point of failure to undermine the effectiveness of an entire lighting system. As a result, replacing any broken or burnt-out luminaires should be high on the agenda for any sports club.

For Rugby & Northampton Athletic Club in Warwickshire, however, the challenge went beyond replacing just one or two lamps. A failing metal-halide system was causing lighting inconsistencies across both track and field, a suboptimal situation for training and competitive events alike. Rather than continuing to maintain that outdated solution, the club instead opted to upgrade to a modernised and energy-efficient LED alternative.

Products and services provided:

  • Manufacture and supply of 24 Modus S1100 LED floodlights.
  • Design and installation of a new wireless control system.

Key achievements:

  • Increase in track and field illuminance to 200 and 100 lux respectively.
  • Lower maintenance costs and 50% reduction in energy use.
  • Significant personal safety improvements via wireless controls.
  • Overcame height-related installation challenges.

Working together to overcome hurdles and deliver substantial energy savings

Having won a competitive tender run by Rugby Borough Council, Midstream quickly got to work. Using a like-for-like design that saved the club money by retaining its existing masts, 24 of the company’s lightweight Modus S1100 luminaires were installed. Even with a challenging layout to work with – caused by a steep bank along one side of the running track – Midstream’s expertise ensured a quick and hassle-free experience for the club.

With the new system turned on, the gains are clear to see. Average illuminance has been brought back up to 200 lux on the track and 100 on the field, and power consumption reduced by 51%. The club is now safer and more secure, too; the addition of wireless controls mean that the person tasked with closing up each night no longer has to make a 100m walk in the dark to switch off the floodlights in person.

“This was well-executed project that has delivered great results for both Rugby & Northampton Athletic Club and the local community as a whole. Midstream Lighting demonstrated the utmost professionalism from day one.”

Adam Daly, Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Wellbeing

Can we help you with your athletics track lighting project? Get in touch.

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Our Modus S Series benefits at a glance:
The Modus S is built for small to medium-sized sports applications and it offers high lumen packages with minimum weight. It reduces the number of floodlights needed per mast at the most competitive price. It can be used for both retrofit and new builds and meets industry all industry standards and specifications across the applications it’s used for.

  • The Series is designed with specialty light shields to provide high uniformity for sports fields and facilities as well as to specifically reduce light spill
    for local neighbours and residents – an ideal solution for areas such as community and inner-city facilities
  • It features a proprietary light engine that delivers up to 30% higher efficiency compared to other series.
  • The two-module configuration design allows the use of multiple optics to optimize the light beam for each field type and installation height.
  • It’s equipped with a single remote driver for flexible installation and weight saving.
  • It’s also manufactured with a reversible angled bracket that allows for a seamless retrofit on existing masts, in both overhang and underhung configuration.
  • The Modus S Series has designed to support wireless control.
  • Because it’s manufactured with a stainless steel construction, the structural integrity and life of the product are extremely robust and reliable – a critical need when used across sporting environments.
  • Our exclusive, patented optics deliver full compliance to spill light regulations too.
  • The Series is also IP67 Rated.
England Athletics Lighting Guide Midstream Lighting

The Midstream Lighting & England Athletics Floodlighting Guide

Our guide offers a straightforward approach to assess your current lighting, covering floodlighting standards, essential equipment, lighting level calculations, and recommendations based on your results. Improve your facility today with our easy-to-follow guide!

Midstream Lighting